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Internet-Recordings : Grey Skin and Timeless Remixes [www004]

Catalog number
Date released
Date published
2010/02/21 13:30h



dnbdeepneuroneurofunktechstepfunk2-steptechliquidmelodyaustriael haijnginyu forcemidrangedrum & bassbrokenbowsar (the artist formerly known as bowser)mefjuspaul sgpaul saint jack Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Mefjus is already known from the very first release on Internet Recordings; Bowser is a fellow DJ/producer whom he often works with (amongst other shared projects they have an EP with some of their many collaborations forthcoming on Mindtech Recordings). Recently, they made two neuro/techfunk influenced remixes for the 2 years label anniversary remix competition of Influenza Media (a liquid funk label). Naturally that competition was won by artists who made midrange-free liquid funk remixes, fitting the label stylewise. These will come out on Influenza Media in the course of 2010. But even though Mefjus and Bowser did not win, their remixes are way too good to remain unreleased. So, with friendly permission of Influenza Media, they are hereby given to the world as free downloads. Enjoy!

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